Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I started a Twitter page.  :)
I have not posted anything, but have been following a few people that I have found and enjoy.

David Cook
Tony Robbins



I got webpage to upload... :)

Flaming Text...saw this on another blog...neat

Webpage continued....

I cannot get to upload to server???
I called IT and they said I was doing correctly.


AAArrrggghh  !


No one showed last night...Iguess I am the last to finish.
Taking 2 classes in summer with work has been A LOT.


Afrer admiring my classmates webpage or shall I saw webpages (as what many did) mine feels so simplistic. :(
I know a lot of people have mor experience....again..practice makes perfect.

I am having trouble uploading to says it is but is is not.

Additionally, I can not get my publication document to load.  (sigh)

Saturday, July 24, 2010



You can mix it  up....a little variety.

Audio Blog

I downloaded the Audacity software and the LAME software to do my audio podcast.
There is so much more you can do. I managed to do the "basics" for mine.
I did it on the same theme as the other things...hurricane preparedness.
I decided to do another one...reading from Eloise with some music in background.
I am not sure about Copyright if there is music...I think I will turn in the basic one.
We'll see.

Update...I turned both in.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I added the fish...not liking...but will leave to show I did another gadget.
I also added the video channel gadget...I picked libraries.


I have none...kindof sad to I havent' shared my link with anyone...
Actually I like the freedom to say without everyone reading or commenting (like FB),

Wiki Sandbox

I tried it, but it said it would publish my IP adderss as I did not have an account.
I waned to put a quote.

Life is a choice...what choices are you making.

The "box" is cleaned up ever 12 hours...not sure if that means it deleted or "patrolled"
or reset.

Interesting, but not something I think I would use, so I did not sign up for an account.

Web 2.0 Awards

May be 2 years ago but still neat...

I've used a few...Yelp and Zillow and a few I have done from this blog...the rest are open to explore.... :)

I cannot wait to have some free time after this semester for a few weeks.

Working fulltime and taking classes fulltime takes so much time.
Much more than undergrad...than again I was much younger.

Google Docs

Great idea...
Kinda like a wiki for "important" things.
It won a 2.0 award.
I am using as a way to keep track of miles for half marathon training with the group.
I log on and edit it and everyone else can see. :)
I like it.
I is good for editing or group projects.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kindle Ebooks vs Print Books

This is from Charlie Parker:

Here is a great, very timely, and thought provoking cartoon from Jim Morin, the Miami Herald's cartoon wizard!


Maybe we will become Kindlearians....

Research Proposal

I disliked statistic in college and 20 years later I am still disliking it even as applied to libraries.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I learned in the elluminate session that I will need to use FUGU as the software to load my webpage to the USF server (we can use that one for free)....I will be using iweb (as suggested by a few friends who are MAC'ers.

This Class

I am enjoying this class....
Professor Austin understands that most graduate students have "other" lives and work full time besides going to school full time and that the idea is to learn... I will be happy when one of the other classes is

Monday, July 19, 2010


OK...I am not quite getting this....or rather why use this versus Google....
I set up an account....let me keep

I guess maybe on website?

I added search engine on bottom of my is for web search using Google.

Library Thing

I created an account to be able to keep a catalog of my books online.
It is pretty could be time consuming.

I tried one...a book written by my boyfriend...It is called The Elixir. :)

I added My Library Thing as a gadgetso you can see book I added to my catalog.

You can search a number of different ways to look up books or add it manually.

I chose Amazon. Poof there it was.

I told my brother...the perpetual student and keeper of many many books about it.

He seemed mildly interested.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Publication Module

I am not sure how to upload a copy of this to my blog....
I may have to ask someone as I have been unable to find.


It says unreadable.

Maybe I should save as a PDF?

That is Delicious.....I think I will book mark it!

I had heard of delicious in my first graduate class, but I was still wet behind the ears in understanding it. I still am.

Let's see...

Delicious (formerly, pronounced "delicious") is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. The site was founded by Joshua Schachter in 2003 and acquired by Yahoo! in 2005. (According to Wikipedia)

RSS Feeds

What is RSS?

RSS (Rich Site Summary) is a format for delivering regularly changing web content. Many news-related sites, weblogs and other online publishers syndicate their content as an RSS Feed to whoever wants it.

I "knew" what they were...but I didn't"know" what they

Now I "understand" what they are. :)


I created a Bloglines account.

"We track your favorite news, blogs, weather, and classifieds so that you don't have to."


I am starting with ones about libraries.
Library Stuff
Resource Shelf
The Shifted Librarian

Oooh...I even made a link to it for others on my blog. Not that anyone is reading it....but just in case.

Can you see it? :) It is waaaaay down on the bottom.

I was wondering what all those sections on the template were

I see it also has a mobile application.
I should try it for my iphone.


It's been a crazy few weeks with work and travel....I am behind. :(