Wednesday, July 28, 2010


I started a Twitter page.  :)
I have not posted anything, but have been following a few people that I have found and enjoy.

David Cook
Tony Robbins



I got webpage to upload... :)

Flaming Text...saw this on another blog...neat

Webpage continued....

I cannot get to upload to server???
I called IT and they said I was doing correctly.


AAArrrggghh  !


No one showed last night...Iguess I am the last to finish.
Taking 2 classes in summer with work has been A LOT.


Afrer admiring my classmates webpage or shall I saw webpages (as what many did) mine feels so simplistic. :(
I know a lot of people have mor experience....again..practice makes perfect.

I am having trouble uploading to says it is but is is not.

Additionally, I can not get my publication document to load.  (sigh)

Saturday, July 24, 2010



You can mix it  up....a little variety.

Audio Blog

I downloaded the Audacity software and the LAME software to do my audio podcast.
There is so much more you can do. I managed to do the "basics" for mine.
I did it on the same theme as the other things...hurricane preparedness.
I decided to do another one...reading from Eloise with some music in background.
I am not sure about Copyright if there is music...I think I will turn in the basic one.
We'll see.

Update...I turned both in.

Friday, July 23, 2010


I added the fish...not liking...but will leave to show I did another gadget.
I also added the video channel gadget...I picked libraries.


I have none...kindof sad to I havent' shared my link with anyone...
Actually I like the freedom to say without everyone reading or commenting (like FB),

Wiki Sandbox

I tried it, but it said it would publish my IP adderss as I did not have an account.
I waned to put a quote.

Life is a choice...what choices are you making.

The "box" is cleaned up ever 12 hours...not sure if that means it deleted or "patrolled"
or reset.

Interesting, but not something I think I would use, so I did not sign up for an account.

Web 2.0 Awards

May be 2 years ago but still neat...

I've used a few...Yelp and Zillow and a few I have done from this blog...the rest are open to explore.... :)

I cannot wait to have some free time after this semester for a few weeks.

Working fulltime and taking classes fulltime takes so much time.
Much more than undergrad...than again I was much younger.

Google Docs

Great idea...
Kinda like a wiki for "important" things.
It won a 2.0 award.
I am using as a way to keep track of miles for half marathon training with the group.
I log on and edit it and everyone else can see. :)
I like it.
I is good for editing or group projects.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Kindle Ebooks vs Print Books

This is from Charlie Parker:

Here is a great, very timely, and thought provoking cartoon from Jim Morin, the Miami Herald's cartoon wizard!


Maybe we will become Kindlearians....

Research Proposal

I disliked statistic in college and 20 years later I am still disliking it even as applied to libraries.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


I learned in the elluminate session that I will need to use FUGU as the software to load my webpage to the USF server (we can use that one for free)....I will be using iweb (as suggested by a few friends who are MAC'ers.

This Class

I am enjoying this class....
Professor Austin understands that most graduate students have "other" lives and work full time besides going to school full time and that the idea is to learn... I will be happy when one of the other classes is

Monday, July 19, 2010


OK...I am not quite getting this....or rather why use this versus Google....
I set up an account....let me keep

I guess maybe on website?

I added search engine on bottom of my is for web search using Google.

Library Thing

I created an account to be able to keep a catalog of my books online.
It is pretty could be time consuming.

I tried one...a book written by my boyfriend...It is called The Elixir. :)

I added My Library Thing as a gadgetso you can see book I added to my catalog.

You can search a number of different ways to look up books or add it manually.

I chose Amazon. Poof there it was.

I told my brother...the perpetual student and keeper of many many books about it.

He seemed mildly interested.